Wednesday, January 13, 2010

It all started with a house...

And a what beautiful house it is. A 1950 three-bedroom-plus-den, two-and-a-half-bath Cape Cod masterpiece. Blonde hardwood floors, moderately updated kitchen, large side porch. Just inside the city limits with a big backyard. The perfect comprimise between our two styles: his classic and traditional, mine retro contemporary. His suburban, my urban.

Coming from an 855 sq. ft. apartment, we have minimal furnishings. Mostly hand-me-downs, garage sale finds. Coming from our medium-sized wedding, we have very few splurges and are still re-learning how to spend money. Our instint is ingrained in our psyches: save, save, SAVE.

So I am finding it difficult to decorate this house, to turn it into our home. So many ideas to keep track of, let alone remember to share with him. So many rooms to look for; not all at once, but inspiration doesn't limit itself to only the task at hand.

My intention is to use this tool to keep my ideas catalogued and my outlook sanguine. Historically I am rubbish at maintaining the tools that I create; let's hope this proves to be the exception to the rule.

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